When You Need Someone on Your Side

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  • (503) 581-1229

Professional and Experienced

You've Come To The Right Place

When you've been injured by another or charged with a crime, you need someone on your side. You need a lawyer with the experience to seek justice for you in court. I started trying cases 18 years ago. I've tried civil cases and criminal cases, argued in the Oregon Court of Appeals and Oregon Supreme Court, and I serve two communities as their municipal court judge. Let that breadth and depth of experience serve you. When you need someone on your side, I'll be proud to stand next to you.

Our Practice Areas

Personal Injury

Sexual abuse creates deep and long-lasting injuries.  Oregon law permits victims to seek justice in civil court, not just as part of a state prosecution.  At Jonathan A. Clark, PC, we understand the trauma of the injury as well as the path through the legal system.

When the negligence of another changes life as you knew it, an experienced attorney may have advice that can help.  You will need an attorney who can listen to your story.  Find an attorney who can weave that story into the law that protects you.

Our vulnerable loved ones need our strongest advocates.  Legal action can create change that protects others and recovers for an injured person's loss.  If someone you love has suffered physical, sexual, or financial abuse, let us know if we can help.

In this difficult place in our society, good medical practice and Oregon law guarantee women a degree of care.  Healthcare, not politics, should govern medical services.  If you need to talk to a lawyer, we are committed to listening with compassion.

Oregon workers have many protections.  When an employer's power permits unfair treatment in the workplace, legal action may be the right decision.  If you have questions about being subjected to illegal working conditions, please call.

Distracted drivers, drunk drivers, careless drivers and even just inattentive drivers cause extensive damage to others.  If you have been injured in a crash, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and other losses like time off from work.

Criminal Defense

These low level criminal charges can have high level collateral consequences, including up to a year in jail.  Some people charged with a crime have access to court appointed attorneys who are usually deeply committed to the good work they do.  You also have the right to hire an attorney of your choosing, one who can help you make the difficult and important decisions you face.

Being charged with a felony can be a life-changing experience.  The path forward is not easy.  Take the time to find the right attorney to walk with you through this difficult process, one who can and will go to trial if that is what you choose to do.

One of the hard truths about the Oregon criminal justice system is the reality of mandatory minimum charges.  If charged with a Measure 11 crime, consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.  Successful negotiation requires the readiness, and ability, to take your case to trial if necessary.

A successful PCR claim can give you another chance for a fair trial.  It is not enough for your trial attorney to just show up.  If your rights were not protected through a proper defense, consult with an experienced PCR attorney immediately.

As social understanding of addiction and drug use deepens, the way court's respond to these crimes is evolving.  Penalties range from simple probation to years in prison.  Find an attorney familiar with drug cases and programs available in the county where your case is.

These cases take a particular sensitivity to the relationships involved, the potential penalties, and paths to resolution.  Choose an attorney you believe can represent you through the rigors of a sex crime trial.  And contact one early to start the investigation that can help shape your trial strategy.

These charges can have a significant impact on your ability to continue driving.  Experienced counsel can play a significant role in obtaining the best possible available outcome for you.  That is especially true when your case has to be presented to a judge or jury for decision.

Oregon had a long practice of permitting unconstitutional non-unanimous jury verdicts.  Less than 100 days after the United States Supreme Court stopped this unconstitutional practice, we helped one of my clients regain his freedom and restart his life.  We are closely following how Oregon courts will apply this change in the law.


If you think this firm might be the right fit for you, please contact us. There is no cost or obligation for an initial meeting. Let our experience be your guide.

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